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We take great pride in assisting Conscious Businesses.
The goal of Camp Massive is to help individuals escape the corporate plantation. Whether it’s helping people transition from their 9-5 (or 9-9 and beyond) to financial independence by helping them build powerful online businesses. Or, assisting existing businesses that believe in community building businesses practices to crush their competitors online, we have your back.
If your companies idea of “good business” is laying off people to meet arbitrary profit margin goals. Don’t call us. We’re not interested.
Although we are not limited to these types of businesses we love working with: Minority-Owned Businesses, Non-Profits, B Corps, Worker Co-Ops, and Labor Unions. If you are a conscious company and want to make an impact more than you do a profit, then we want to help you win.

Oh um sidenote, We REALLY don’t do…
- Pornography
- Gambling
- Scammy(yes that’s a technical term) sites.